Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bard, A Bath and Bunch of Rocks

Well, they are far more than rocks...but yes, this begins the blog of our trip to Stratford Upon Avon, Bath and Stonehenge. Since this trip covered 4 days, I am mostly posting pictures. Enjoy!

We left Thursday afternoon with our bus driver, Paul, and headed out of the city and on our way to the birthplace of The Bard-- Mr. William Shakespeare. Once we arrived in Stratford, we had time for a quick dinner and then off to see As You Like It. This was THE BEST performance of any of Shakespeare's work that I have ever seen! The high court scenes were set in a very modern, cold and stylized way, the forest--where  a bunch of hippies lived and cavorted. It was fabulous! The students were enthralled with the performance---never a lagging moment. Afterword, two of the main actors came to our Bed and Breakfast to talk with the theatre class students. ALL the students stayed to hear them talk...I think mostly because the one male lead was VERY "dreamy."

The next day we spent touring Shakespeare-related places.
The first question asked on this trip, "Why are we going to Anne Hathaway's house?" For those who do not know, Anne Hathaway was William's wife. Not the actress from Princess Diaries, Les Mis, etc.

So, we all know that I am easily distracted by interesting patterns. After I took this picture, a gardener asked me what I was taking a picture of. I said, "I love this pattern." and he said, "oh, you can buy this at about any DIY place in England--you just roll it out and then it encourages grass to grow....I NEED THIS!!! I wonder if I can buy some and ship it home! It's pretty and I need some erosion control! 

That is one amazing thatched roof!

I need Photoshop to remove that woman!
This was a bamboo arch.

This thing is beautiful! The weaving, I mean.

Then we travelled over to the Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare was both baptized and buried. 

I am always amazed at the amount of work on
these kneeling pads---the cross stitching
 is incredible. Poor women. No TiVo, I guess.

Music and words and all needlepoint

Shakespeare's crypt

Where he was baptized. 

These side windows & ceiling are incredible. 

Aren't these the cutest little black and white birds?

The Bard...reduced to biscuit-size

Shakespeare's Birthplace

Stratford was lovely.

Bookworm made of cacti...right outside
 a WHSmith Booksellers.

A most fabulous "tapas" lunch at a Greek restaurant.
Too much food!

Some of my favorite folks in Shakespeare's plays:

David Tennant (Dr. Who and Harry Potter fans)

Ah! Kenneth!

Jean Luc! I mean, Patrick Stewart.

We spent the afternoon walking about and exploring and then loaded the bus and headed to Bath. I have now been to Bath 3 times, so I took very few pictures at the Roman Baths, but many around town and I did some shopping. 

I loved this busker.
He had a puppet show/violin playing act
and a VERY cute dog.

Someone needs to explain to me why it is
TJ Maxx at home and TK here....

Another Avon River (which is River, River) Not very
creative on the river naming

Some amazing ivy near the B & B

The Crescent

Roman Baths



Home of the famous and tasty brioche buns! 

In the Bath Abby....

Thought this was an interesting tombstone

Now that's a podium!
Which one of these is not like the other ones?
I have no idea why this one chandelier is different.

A cuppa?

Off we went to the Wilton Estate...where The Young Victoria and Sense and Sensibility were filmed. The family still lives here. Beautiful. 

Great children's playground

 Finally, we headed toward Stonehenge. 

It was crazy windy--and yes, the idiot in shorts is one of ours. 

About 40 degrees (F)

Almost all of them fell asleep immediately. 

Then, after 4 long days, we headed home to London. 

This weekend we have off and everyone is headed to different countries. I am staying close to London. I have to catch up on grading and straighten up the flat as Scott arrives on Monday! 


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